Search Results for: pledge of allegiance

The Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe on Monday ruled that the country’s national pledge was an unconstitutional violation of school children’s right to freedom of conscience and parental rights. The court’s decision comes four years after Mathew Sogolani applied to the court on the basis of the national pledge’s unconstitutionality. The father of three argued that [...]


Beijing’s top lawmaking body, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC), adopted a resolution Wednesday allowing the Hong Kong government to bypass the courts and ban any lawmakers regarded as “unpatriotic” or deemed to be acting in a manner that “endangers national security.” Hong Kong’s leader, Carrie Lam, subsequently announced the disqualification of [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit found on Friday that the District Court for the Eastern District of New York erred in sentencing Fareed Mumuni to 17 years of imprisonment rather than the 85 years recommended by federal guidelines. Mumuni, an American-born citizen, pledged allegiance to ISIS and pleaded guilty in February [...]


Protests took place in Hong Kong Sunday with an estimated 5,000 people marching in support of pro-democracy politicians. Four elected, pro-democracy lawmakers were barred from taking office in 2016 after altering the words in their official oaths. The...


JURIST Guest Columnist Roger Byron, Esq. Senior Counsel for First Liberty Institute discusses how Felix v. City of Bloomfield illustrates inherent flaws in the Lemon v. Kurtzman Establishment Clause test ... The late Justice Antonin Scalia once described the infamous...